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Have you ever heard the expression, “Now you’re cooking with gas”? 人 say it when someone comes up with a clever idea or finds a good way to get something done. Interestingly, when it comes to natural gas as a fuel source, both of those sentiments apply. 如何? Using natural gas is both a clever idea and a good way to accomplish everything from heating our homes and cooking meals, 来发电.


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Not only is natural gas plentiful here in North America, it’s also cleaner burning. 它比其他化石燃料含有更少的杂质, 化学上不那么复杂, and when burned produces far fewer GHG (greenhouse gases) than many other fossil fuels.

和, while there are other sources of clean energy out there — notably wind and solar — with natural gas, 即使在没有风的阴天, you can always count on a source of clean energy when you need it (great news in winter).

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冬天你是否依赖家里的暖气, 或者夏天开空调, 天然气是一种保持舒适的有效方式. 令人惊讶的是,几乎 90 per cent of the energy value of natural gas makes it to consumers. That means very little energy is spent when extracting and transporting it, a factor that helps keep costs and emissions down when you need to crank it up.

When you weigh the benefits, it’s easy to see why natural gas currently meets 约占北美能源需求的四分之一. 和 if you guess that as our population grows that percentage is headed upward, you’d be right