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See 威尼斯电玩城游戏下载 for important information on the climate-related content on this website.
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Pipelines are the safest and most environmentally responsible way to transport natural gas and petroleum products over long distances. 欲知详情,请浏览 dsp8.justgetawaynow.com/safety.


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管道无处不在! North America has millions of miles of pipelines that deliver critical supplies of natural gas and petroleum products that we rely on every day and sustain our high quality of life. 这些管道大多在地下运行, 24/7, 悄悄地为整个非洲大陆的人们提供一项至关重要的服务.

TC Energy has a remarkable energy network that spans three countries and delivers 25 per cent of all natural gas used in North America every day. 威尼斯电玩城手游把加拿大的石油从阿尔伯塔省运往美国.S. 中西部和墨西哥湾沿岸地区. 和, 在墨西哥, 威尼斯电玩城手游的管道位于重点地区, helping the country with its significant transition from the use of fuel oil and diesel to using natural gas for power generation.

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What's the safest way to move natural gas and oil to where it's needed?

地下, 在山间,甚至在水下, 威尼斯电玩城手游的管道运行安全可靠, quietly connecting our continent over tens of thousands of kilometres.


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是的,绝对. Pipelines are the safest and most environmentally responsible method of transporting large volumes of petroleum products and natural gas over long distances.

  • 超过99.每年999%的管道输送是安全完成的
  • 管道大约有4个.比铁路安全5倍(尽管两者都非常安全)
  • 管道具有强大的操作和完整性管理程序
  • 整个北美的输油管道都受到严格监管, 拥有世界上最高的安全和诚信标准

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We believe no pipeline incident is acceptable and all incidents can be prevented. 威尼斯电玩城手游非常重视安全可靠的责任. We:

  • Employ approximately 500 professionals dedicated to pipeline 完整性 across North America
  • 每年在管道系统完整性方面投资超过10亿美元
  • 2019年进行了近350次在线检查
  • 已投资1.5亿美元用于管道研发(R&D)自2010年以来

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是的,威尼斯电玩城手游可以,而且威尼斯电玩城手游每天都在努力做到这一点. TC Energy employs the most sophisticated and advanced data analytics and risk evaluation methodologies in the industry. 威尼斯电玩城手游有着悠久的开拓历史, deploy important pipeline technology and develop enhanced risk evaluation methodologies that are adopted by regulators, 标准委员会和其他操作者. 如:

  • Led the pipeline industry in developing inline inspection of pipelines to monitor and prevent incidents
  • 采用高强度钢和熔合环氧涂层
  • 机械化焊接和自动化超声波检测
  • Laser mapping of corrosion and metal loss has led to significant improvements in inspection data analysis
  • Perform annual metre by metre risk assessments on all pipelines and implement related risk control measures


99.999% 每年安全完成的管道交付

4.5 比铁路安全几倍

500 人们致力于管道的完整性

10亿美元 每年用于管道完整性